The duo of former CM Chandrababu Naidu and media baron Ramoji Rao has been making headlines from the past few years for the wrong reasons. While charges of corruption and flouting of norms were heaped on them, till date, not a single realistic legal action was taken on them both.
Sources reveal the key reason for that is both have got the hand of a big man on their heads. He is none other than Ambani. Apparently, Ambani is reportedly giving his shadow to both Babu and Ramoji, as per sources. Given his control over the Congress administration in the country, it is heard that no one is venturing to touch the other two men.
There is a talk that even if some action is taken, it would be an eyewash exercise to satisfy the media and public. But as long as Ambani is around, both Babu and Ramoji Rao will be scot-free and will not have to worry about any CBI investigations or other allegations.
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