YSR Congress

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Saturday, 7 April 2012

07/04/2012 jagan tour

Blood donation camp by Dr. Profulla reddy (ysrcp jublihills leader)

Blood donation camp by Dr. Profulla reddy on world health day for THALASSEMIA AND SICKLE CELL SOCIETY along with Bajireddy Govardhan ,Raj Takur,Challa Madhu,Ravi kumar.

A total of around 150 people donated blood for the children who suffers from Thalassemia disease .

Konatala RamaKrishna Press Meet 7th April 2012

Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy Fire on Anam Vivekananda Reddy

YS Jagan road Show at Ramachandrapuram, East Godavari

YS Jagan Odarpu yatra special Nenunnanu 7th April

Grand Welcome To Ys Jagan In Kandulapalem At E.G

Sobha Nagireddy Comments on ys jagan

YS Jagan Ramachandrapuram Election Campaign in EGDT

Friday, 6 April 2012

Center for Economics and Social Studies Survey on Babu

YS Jagan Unveiled YSR Statue at Errapotavaram, East Godavari

YS Jagan Unveiled YSR Statue at Balantram, East Godavari Dist

Gattu RamaChandra Rao Press Meet

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Thursday, 5 April 2012

jagan speech in ramachandrapuram

jagan tour schedule

Comparisons between YSR , YS Jagan

Comparisons between members of same family if they hail from a powerful background are common. This time, the focus has been on the late YSR and his son YS Jagan. Recently, Jagan gave an interview to a National News channel and this has led to few analysts work on the pros and cons.
YSR gave excellent answers when Karan Thapar tried to corner him in ‘Devil’s Advocate’. It is not a small thing to face Karan. Now, Jagan gave his interview for NDTV and he spoke various subjects like Emaar, Sakshi etc. The answers he gave, his articulation, his command was almost similar to YSR.
But during ‘Devil’s Advocate’ YSR was in power so his confidence was different. But Jagan is in struggling mode currently so his sense of humour will not work. It looked more like he was trying to defend himself. That calmness was seen in YSR. Maybe if Jagan comes to power it will be the same.
The dramatic way of expression for YSR is strong and it has intensity but Jagan gives blank and upfront replies. In Intelligence levels both are equal and public get convinced that they are not at fault.

05/04/2012 jagan tour

Donate the blood and save Thalassemia children.

Children born with 
" Thalassemia ", a type of blood disorder, must receive blood transfusions once or twice a month.
"Blood Donation Camp for Thalassemia Patients" conducting by Dr.Prafulla Reddy, YSR Congress Party..
Please come and donate the blood and save Thalassemia children.

Place : Yousufguda check post, Hyderabad.
Date: 7th April, 2012.
Time: 9:30 Am to 1:00Pm.

For more information contact:
Challa Madhusudhan Reddy, YSRCP IT Wing state convener.
Dr. Prafulla Reddy, YSRCP Leader. Mobile: 9866468678.

Donate Blood - Save Thalassemia Children

YS Jagan Speech at K.Gangavaram, EGDt

Jupudi speaks to media on power charges hike

Grand welcome to jagan in East Godavari

YSR CP Pravaasaandhrula Prasthanam in Kuwait

Godaaramma Odilo 5th April 2012,sakshi special

YS Jagan Interview With CNN IBN

Political Hero YS JAGAN : Hari Rama Jogayya

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

YS Jagan PrajaPrasthanam

YSRC Camping in Tirupati

jagan tour 04/04/2012

Journalist Diary - Jagan's wave again! - Tv9

YS Jagan addressed Huge Public Meeting at Narsapuram, W.G.DT

YS Jagan Speech @ Kalingapatnam, WGDt

Ys Jagan EGDT election campaign start tomorrow

PRP Leader Thota Gopi join in Ysr Congress Party

YSRCP Will Victory in Byelection-Vijaychandar

Special Edition 'YS Jagan Electricity Dharana '

Bajireddy Coments On CBI

Nallapu Reddy Prasanna kumar reddy tour in kovur

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

03/04/2012 jagan tour images


Firing on people agitating against 28 augest, 2000

charges against me began after i left congress :jagan to ndtv

Vijayamma Speech on Power hike

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YS Jagan Speech on Electricity Dharna At Chiru Home Town, WGdt

YS Jagan Speech at Perupalem, WGdt

Sunday, 1 April 2012

YS Jagan With Times Now

ysr srutivanam

Jagan: Insider to outsider(ndtv old)

Conspiracy against me: Jagan(TIMESNOW)

YSR Congress chief and Kadapa MP YS Jaganmohan Reddy speaks to TIMES NOW over CBI yesrday filing a chargesheet against him and 12 others in an alleged disproportionate assets case. Jagan says there is a conspiracy against him and he is being made a scapegoat as his father is no longer alive. He is accused of getting investments of several crores from firms into his own business as part of quid-pro-quo when his father was the chief minister.


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