YSR Congress

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ysrcongress.in - News and Information portal

Monday 19 November 2012


.  (sakshipost)

It has been 175 days since Jagan has been unlawfully arrested. Yet, it is Jagan who will emerge triumphant in the end, by God’s grace. The ruling Congress’ single-point agenda is to harass Jagan.
As for the principal opposition party—the TDP—it is obsessed with Jagan; it convulses and throws a fit each time Jagan coughs or sneezes and has no other topic to talk about. Even though it has been 175 days since Jagan’s unlawful arrest, the CBI does not stop leaking stories selectively to a section of the media. And invariably these leaks are picked up by these ‘chosen’ channels and newspapers and played out in screaming headlines and fallacious fabrications.
On the other hand, in spite of spending 175 days behind bars, Jagan remains unrivalled in terms of popularity and public support. People continue to shower their love and affection on him unconditionally and unreservedly.  If anything their love for him has grown phenomenally—many times over. They are troubled, agitated, disturbed and angry as if a member of their family has been subjected to this harassment. They weep and pray for him.
As for us, my world, as also that of my children and mother-in-law revolves around Jagan. Every single step of Sharmila’s march, every word that she utters, mirrors her concern for Jagan and reflects her pain at what he is going through.
If there’s indeed a life-force that keeps us alive today, it is the love and affection of people, their unstinted support, their blessings and God’s grace.  It is these factors that have helped us to stand up to the plots and conspiracies of two years and the relentless harassment of 175 days that Jagan has been subjected to.
History and the scriptures of all religions tell us only one thing—injustice, oppression and evil will lose in the face of truth and justice. Humanity and love will triumph in the end. Be it a Hitler, a Goebbels, a Narakasura, a Ravana or a clan of Kauravas, their destruction is inevitable and the victory of justice over these evil forces is scripted well in advance.  This is so because victory depends on the path we choose and not on the games we play and the moves we make.
With His omniscient wisdom, God seeks to strengthen those who tread the path of righteousness. His eyes are forever on the virtuous and His ears are forever open to their prayers. Therefore, no matter what conspiracies they hatch, what lies they preach and no matter how much they abuse official authority, Jagan’s detractors do not realize that no force can stop Jagan’s victory, even though he has spent 175 days in prison. Jagan’s victory was scripted the day he gave his word to visit and console the families of those who gave up their lives or died on hearing the news of the tragic, sudden demise of Dr. YSR. His victory was decreed the day he chose to do so sacrificing the posts of a Central Minister and Chief Minister, which were to come his way. God willed Jagan’s victory the day he decided to be amidst the common suffering masses, share their sorrows, eat their food and sit by their side, as one of their own.  God willed Jagan’s success the day he decided to give up a happy life that he was leading with his wife and children in Bangalore and looking after his business interests, to be constantly amidst the suffering masses and to work for their welfare.
Just as Kamsa could not prevent the birth of Krishna and Herod could not prevent the birth of Jesus, nobody can prevent Jagan from coming out of prison and emerging victorious. This will remain an eternal truth because success and failure do not depend on might, but on truth and morality. Jagan who stands for truth will emerge victorious in the end, even if he has spent 175 days in prison.
We invite our readers who wish to stand by Jagan and the people of the state to express their views. We also invite them to share their thoughts on Jagan's unlawful arrest, the malicious propaganda unleashed by his detractors and the harassment the YSR family has been subjected to. 

Write to
Jagan Kosam, Sakshi (family supplement)
Sakshi, Road no. 1, Banjara Hills,
e-mail ysjagankosam@gmail.com


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